Mehdi BAFDILGit Was Never Meant to Be Version ControlIt was a cold April morning in 2005 when Linus Torvalds, frustrated with the existing version control systems, sat down at his computer…Feb 231.4K18Feb 231.4K18
Is It Vritra - SDE I.NET Object Mapping: How We Process $2M Worth of Stock Trades Every MinuteOur object mapping strategy couldn’t handle the scale…Jan 161610Jan 161610
Ken Fedorov🚀 Quick Guide: MediatR in .NET 8Hello coder! If you are tired of complex code and want to make things easier, I have good news for you. MediatR is a great tool that…May 10, 20241371May 10, 20241371
InByteHidebyJuan EspañaHow to deploy a .NET App as a container without a Dockerfile?Discover an alternative approach to containerize your .NET application, simplifying the deployment process.Apr 5, 2024121Apr 5, 2024121
InThe new control planebyRory BraybrookA utility to deploy Azure AD (AAD) B2C IEF starter pack policies automaticallyOnce you have created a B2C tenant, the next step is to run through all the steps in the “Getting Started” doc.Feb 2, 20215Feb 2, 20215
InThe new control planebyRory BraybrookThe user journey recorder with Azure AD B2C custom policiesThe usual way to troubleshoot B2C issues with custom policies is with Application Insights.Oct 29, 201816Oct 29, 201816
InThe new control planebyRory BraybrookTips and tricks for working with custom policies in Azure AD B2CI’ve been doing a lot of work with custom policies lately and came across a number of things that might help other custom policy…May 15, 20191047May 15, 20191047
Suminda NiroshanUse Azure DevOps to Deploy an Azure SQL DatabaseWhen developing software, similar to keeping the source code in source control, it’s generally a good practice to keep the database schema…Jun 9, 2023245Jun 9, 2023245
Suminda NiroshanSecure Azure Function App Inside Private VNet and Expose Via API ManagementIn Cloud application development, a virtual network is a great way to make sure cloud resources are protected and not exposed to public…Nov 13, 2021324Nov 13, 2021324